Thursday, February 22, 2018

Day 3/4 at Casa Angelina

First off I want to apologize for not posting last night. We had a late night of great conversations, and didn't want to stay up later than I needed. We have been making great progress on all of the projects and will hopefully be finishing most of them up tomorrow. It is hard to believe that tomorrow is our last day at the orphanage, it feels like we just got here a few days ago.

The biggest blessing of this trip so far has been the widows home that we have been working on. The house has been ahead of schedule all week and should be finished up tomorrow morning and be dedicated in the afternoon.

A lot of great work is happening at the orphanage, and I haven't been able to get around to take pictures due to being at the widows home. However, our entire group will be sharing photos and I will post more once we have all the photos shared with each other. We have had a few health issues this trip so continued prayer for our team would be wonderful. We would also ask that you pray for blessings for the Tait family, Carlos and his family, Alejandro, as well as Oscar and Phibee. These trips would not be possible without these amazing people!

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