Saturday, February 17, 2018

Building Guate/Land of Hope Day

Sorry I didn't get the chance to update everyone last night, but after a long day of travel everyone was ready for bed when we arrived. We had the wonderful and difficult opportunity to go out to The Land of Hope today, which is a dump ministry that is headed up by Oscar and his nonprofit Building Guate. Words cannot express the experience that we all were a part of today. It definitely gives a lot of prospective to those of us who wish we had more. The people that have been saved from living in the dump ground by Building Guate, now have their own homes and a new community that they are part of. The only thing is, there community is built less than 100 yards from the city dump of Escuintla. I will post a few picture from that day down below with some descriptions of what you are looking at.

Today our group toured the Land of Hope and the school that has been built to help educate the kids that are living in the dump. We also helped host a Vacation Bible School program for the kids, hosted a women's Bible study group were 11 of the attendees accepted Jesus for the first time in their life. Praise God!! We also helped out with a digging project for the new birthing center that they are hoping to add to the facilities. It is amazing to see what God is doing through this ministry and the doors that he is opening for Oscar and his organization.

This was a very great but difficult day. It is hard to see people living amongst all the trash and having to dig through for food to live. If any of you ever get the chance to experience this ministry, I would highly encourage it! Well I am going to sign off for tonight. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to see more!

 Water treatment system that is used to get pure drinking water to the village as well as those living in the dump.
 Main "front yard" to all the home, also doubles as a group gathering area. The tree also provides amazing shade for tire, hot Americas!
 A few of the homes that have been built by Building Guate.
A few more of the houses on the right, on the left is the clinic that was built to help with minor medical needs. In the background is the dump ground. As you can see, there is smoke everywhere and there are constant fires burning in the dump.

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