Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Orphanage Day 3

Today at the orphanage was another SUCCESS! The welding team got all the trusses mounted today and finished putting in cross braces on the aqua ponics system. The rest of the team was once again on cement duty. Today we finished 2 pads (60ftx30ft) for new homes going up at the orphanage, one of which was Harvest House. Today has to be up for the most work done in one day award. Everyone worked there tails off today to get the jobs done. I personally want to congratulate the team for their hard work and dedication to the kids at Casa Angelina. There hearts really showed through today as we were all exhausted, but were determined to finish the second floor. Despite all the hard work, everyone is still in very high spirits and excited for tomorrow.  Hope all is well with everyone reading this and we will be home soon. We all send our love and appreciation for your thoughts and prayers.

Tonight during supper we had a mariachi band play for us to celebrate McKenna Larson's birthday. Lidia had a cake ready and we all got to enjoy the entertainment as well.

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